Login to MAGEOHub

Funded by the U.K. Research and Innovation Natural Environment Research Council and hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory as part of the NERC Earth Observation Data Aqusition and Analysis Service (NEODAAS). Built by OCF Ltd.

Welcome to the NEODAAS MAGEOHub!

This JupyterHub instance for MAGEO (MAGEOHub) provides the an easy way to access the capability of the MAssive GPU Cluster for EO (MAGEO) for NEODAAS users.

Need an account?

MAGEO is operated as part of NEODAAS and usage is restricted to people who are eligible for support from NEODAAS.
For access, please email helpdeskNOSPAM@neodaas.ac.uk explaining which institute you are based at, what you intend to use MAGEO for and your GitHub user name. A member of NEODAAS will be in touch as soon as possible.

Getting started with Jupyter

Jupyter is an environment where you can create interactive notebooks with code, visualizations, and more.

Some resources to learn Jupyter:

Acknowledging NEODAAS

A condition of use of MAGEOHub is that NEODAAS is acknowledged in all publications and presentations that either directly use NEODAAS compute resources, imagery or report on work that benefited from data supplied by NEODAAS. It would be greatly appreciated if you would notify info@neodaas.ac.uk of any such use of our data. Number of publications using our data is a major benchmark by which NEODAAS’ success is measured, and as such this directly impacts on our funding. The appropriate acknowledgement is flexible, we suggest:

Any questions?

If you have any questions, contact us using helpdeskNOSPAM@neodaas.ac.uk.